
I have designed this blog in an unorthodox way and that's no accident! I know that the purists -- who might come to stumble upon it-- will dismiss it, in a visceral way, for its form and its premise, no matter what! They have managed to master English and, either don't understand what is the issue, don't like anyone messing with their language, or don't look forward to any change. It is understandable! It is also very predictable! So, I decided to break many rules and bring the facts quickly in the introduction, like journalist, conscious of grabbing the attention, like a boxer, throwing quick jabs to get ahead in the count, ... like the English's spelling system, forcing its irregularities on learners! Mea culpa!

I have also tried hard to use a simpler, accessible vocabulary to make it accessible for as many people as I could, but I felt that sometimes it was necessary to show that I couldn't be dismiss as some amateur either. Purist, who will surely be against this reform, might decide to take me a little bit more seriously. I wrote "a little bit" and I think I am being optimistic! :) Voltaire is quoted as saying that if you need to "drown" your dog, just say that it has rabbies!

"Qui veut noyer son chien l'accuse de la rage" (Voltaire)

I am convinced that crises like the one teachers are facing today are the time when solutions can be found as the cameras and the microphones inform the public about this matter. I realize, though, that the magnitude of change that I am suggesting Commonwealth countries to take will be a 9 on the Richter scale, which, viscerally, many will dismiss, like the special interest groups who dismissed the likes of Carnegie or Roosevelt. I have hope ... one day ... that someone will comprehend that they were not disabled, but that the language was disabling!

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